Carbon reduction plan

Carbon reduction

Carbon Reduction Plan


Updated September 2023


About medcareworld

We provide medical support for NHS trusts across the UK. We are a small ‘lean’ team with less than 12 employees working from home. We typically employ consultants and staff who are already working within the Trusts adjacent to the ones that we are working with. This ensures that carbon waste is minimised whilst ensuring our social value responsibilities within the community. Despite this, we recognise that we need to improve .


Commitment to Achieving Net Zero


medcareworld is committed to achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2035


Baseline Emissions Footprint


Baseline emissions are a record of our greenhouse gases that were produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Our baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.


Baseline Year 2020

Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions Calculations


medcareworld has identified the main areas in which it impacts the environment and is committed to continuously improving its performance in these areas. This includes the reduction in energy, reduced fuel consumption, minimum waste production, maximum waste recycling and the limitation of pollution.


medcareworld environmental policy

  • We believe that tonnes of CO2e per number of FTE (full time equivalents) best represents our business intensity ratio
  • Carbon emissions at Medcareworld have been calculated in accordance with UK Government reporting Guidelines including streamlined energy and carbon reporting (SECR)
  • Consumption data has been extracted from purchase invoices and vehicle mileage.
  • Activity has been converted into carbon emissions using the UK Govt GHG conversion factors for company reporting 2022.


Baseline year emissions 2020


Total (tCO2e)

Scope 1


Scope 2 


Scope 3 


Total Emissions 



Current Emissions Reporting


Reporting Year: 2022 


Total (tCO2e)

Scope 1


Scope 2 


Scope 3 

Scope 3 categories 4,5, and 9 are not applicable to us as an insourcing company. In 2023 we are monitoring category 6 and 7 and plan to report in our next review.

Category 6, we are collecting data on business journeys made through public transport. Category 7, we are collecting data on our employees commuting to business meetings. We are introducing an app which will indicate how they got to their meetings.

Total Emissions 



Emissions Reduction Targets by 2025


medcareworld is currently investing in virtual services. Where possible, business meetings are held over Microsoft Teams meetings instead of face-to-face. We believe that the future of healthcare is a 'digi-physical' blended approach to patients’ appointments i.e. digital where possible and physical where necessary.


We have identified numerous parts of the patient pathways that do not require a physical face-to-face-appointment. We have partnered with Total Doctor and are currently working on a major digital transformation project that will enable over 60% of outpatient appointments to be held virtually across numerous medical specialisms.


Current Carbon Initiatives


  1. Flexible working – our staff continue to work from home which has proven to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve a lower carbon footprint. Face to face operational staff meetings are organised only at places accessable by public transport.
  2. Green with Data – staff are encouraged to ensure that unnecessary data is deleted as we are aware that the average employee hoards 10,000 emails a year which consumes enough energy to drive 212 metres.
  3. Circular economy – we are passionate about sustainability. Staff have attended courses with Cardiff metropolitan university to understand the principle of a circular economy, and how we can transform our organisation to ensure sustainability.


Declaration and sign off.


The carbon emission plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance standard for carbon reduction plans.


The plan has been reviewed by the executive board and signed by the Chief Executive Officer.


Dr. Prem Premchand


Chief Executive Officer - medcareworld

