The medcareworld approach

Healthcare by design

Clinically led and patient-centred medical support services


The medcare approach

We take a firmly consultative approach so that we can properly understand the needs of each Client. We then provide appropriately tailored and innovative solutions that give outcome-focussed results.

Our teams of specialist clinicians integrate with existing services to maintain patient pathways and to offer patient care of the highest quality.

Our services are underpinned by a transparent and robust governance framework overseen by our Medical Director and clinical associates.

Governance and Clinical Assurance

Our integrated governance framework includes:

  • Audit, Client and Patient Feedback and Reporting Systems
  • Clinical Governance Committee 
  • Agreed Key Performance Indicator Monitoring 
  • Management of Risk Assessments
  • Continuous Improvement Strategy to ensure Clinical Excellence
  • Focus on improving Patient Access and Flow to maximise best clinical outcomes

We have worked with numerous NHS Trusts throughout England and Wales over many years and we have built up strong and committed working relationships based on clinical quality and outcome-focussed service delivery. We are and will remain clinically-led and patient- centred.